Shoulder & Upper Back Pain Raleigh

The shoulders and upper back contain several muscles, ligaments, nerves, arteries, and bones that can cause pain when injured from an auto accident. The spinal cord is the most crucial area in the upper back that may have severe repercussions if not treated properly.

If shoulder and upper back pain has become constant, damage to a part of the cervical spine may have occurred during the auto accident. Once the pain begins, a patient's priority should be to schedule an evaluation with our physician.

What Can Cause Shoulder & Upper Back Pain?

Here are some of the most common injuries that can result from an auto accident.

  • Broken collarbone: Falling on an outstretched arm can cause the collarbone to break
  • Broken shoulder blade: A shoulder blade injury is usually associated with relatively forceful trauma
  • Rotator cuff injuries: The rotator cuff can be injured from consistent throwing or repetitive use
  • Shoulder or A-C separation: The collarbone and shoulder blade can be injured when the ligament connecting them is stretched or torn
  • Whiplash injury: Ligament and muscle strain are results of whiplash and are caused by sudden acceleration or deceleration, as in an auto accident

Our Approach To Treating Shoulder & Upper Back Pain

When a patient suffers from shoulder or upper back pain, our physician will want to properly assess the patient's condition by reviewing X-rays or other imaging and performing a physical examination.

During the examination, the doctor will determine if the pain is intermittent or constant, what type of pain is occurring (e.g., stabbing, burning, etc.), what triggers pain, when pain is more likely to occur during the day, and how much pain the patient is in on a scale of 0-10. After understanding the extent of the pain and its root cause, our physician will recommend an effective course of treatment comprised of interventional pain management techniques, acupuncture, and physical therapy.

Don't let shoulder or upper back pain prevent you from participating in life! Schedule your appointment today.

At Center For Auto Accident Injury Treatment, we are highly experienced in auto accident injury care and rehabilitation. Call now to get started with your customized treatment plan!

What Our Patients Are Saying

Listen to our patients share their experiences and find out why we are the top-rated auto accident injury clinic in the Raleigh area.

We accept medical liens, so the road to recovery is easier! Top-Rated Pain Management Clinic Serving Raleigh, Cary, Apex, and Durham, North Carolina.

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